Sunday, July 26, 2009

WHO is DGPR, INC ???

DGPR, Inc.
Entertainment Public Relation Services
Atlanta, Ga.


•Have a DGPR, Inc. rep create a robust Bio based on your Background info, discography, awards, features, placements, etc.
[Several versions provided at an additional cost]

• Client would send DGPR, Inc. their press release information for E-blast to key industry clientel that are specifically subscribed to DGPR, Inc's product.

Press Kits
• Combination of Bio, Social Networking info (i.e. email, FB, twitter, etc.), & contact info for booking client combined in a creative adobe presentation.

Mix Tape Hosting
• Recording Artist will send their complete Mix tape project to DGPR, Inc. rep and have conceptual voice-overs done on their records by Mix tape host/personality Don Ghotti.
[Several versions provided for an additional fee]

• Recording Artist will provide DGPR, Inc. with the record to be remixed and we would facilitate that remix with a featured Recording Artist within client's budget.

Video Editing
• Have raw video footage? We can provide high-quality editing of your video footage for EPK, YouTube, or Vimeo usage.
[Several versions provided for an additional fee]

Release Party Hosting
• New Mixtape or Single? DGPR, Inc. can put together a sophisticated Release Party in your respected city. This service is inclusive with advertisement (flyer, etc), and select venue.
[venue & marketing contingent upon budget]

Mix Tape Submissions
• Client will have their finished track featured on Don Ghotti's Mixtape Series "The Adventures of Don Ghotti and Don Pitts".
• Tracks submitted must be radio ready.
[Nominal fee involved]

Photo Shoots
• DGPR, Inc. has access to top quality professional photographers. Cost varies depending on location, time vested, and number of shots.

*All services rendered can be provided within the domestic United States and abroad contingent upon budget.
*Extremely competitive prices on all services with a proven track record of success.

Contact a DGPR, Inc's Senior Account Manager - Tikia Douglas for more
info today:


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